Holly Forman-Patel
Holly is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California (MFT #52308) and Texas (MFT #203669) and a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC #763) in California and Texas (LPC #87795).
after practicing in the San Francisco Bay Area for over a decade and recently moving to Dallas, TX, continues her tele-health practice of utilizing EMDR Therapy to work with children and adults who reside in California and Texas.
Holly is a certified EMDR Therapist, an Approved EMDR Consultant, and an EMDR Basic Trainer, supporting therapists in learning EMDR Therapy along with newly trained EMDR therapists in honing their skills and building EMDR into their practice. She currently volunteers through the EMDR Humanitarian Assistance Programs (HAP) as a Facilitator at EMDR Basic trainings and works with EMDR Professional Training as a Facilitator and Select Trainer.